Lecturers' Researches
Year | Research Title | Lecturer |
2020 | PAS, Kelantan dan Malaysia yang Saya Ingat | Dr. Budiawan |
Cultural and Political Relations between Malay(sian) Writers and their Indonesian Counterparts, 1950-1965 | Dr. Budiawan | |
Cultural Studies sebagai Proyek Dekolonisasi Produksi Pengetahuan | Dr. Budiawan | |
Ruang Sosial Bourdieusian | Dr. Wisma Nugraha Chr. M. Hum | |
Experiencing literature discourses of Islam through Michel Houellebecq’s soumission | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
The Big Other Gender, Patriarki, dan Wacana Agama dalam Karya Sastra Nawāl Al-Sa’dāwī | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Peliyanan Terhadap Perempuan Dunia Ketiga pada Ruang Seksual dalam Novel Plateforme Karya Michel Houellebecq | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Understanding Secularism and National Identity in French Political Discourses | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Gerak Kuasa: Politik Wacana, Identitas dan Ruang-Waktu dalam Bingkai Kajian Budaya dan Media (editor) | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Understanding new consumption sites of internet cafe in Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
The Discourse Of (Re)Motherhood In Online Media: A Critical Study of the Corruption News on Tempo.co | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Configuring the sustainable strategy of internet cafe in yogyakarta, indonesia, to remain popular in nowadays | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Seksualitas Dalam Tubuh Bergender | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Politik Representation di Era Serbamedia | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Memahami Budaya Kaum Muda dan Pascasubkultur via Andy Bennet | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Navigating the Future Husband: Perempuan Muda, Negosiasi Pernikahan dan Perubahan Sosial | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Pemuda, Perkawinan, dan Perubahan Sosial di Indonesia | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Kritik Southern Theory terhadap Hegemoni 'Sosiologi Modern' Amerika di Indonesia | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Using Bourdieu to Understand Perpetrators in The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Mobilitas dan Refleksivitas: Strategi Pemuda Yogyakarta di Masa Transisi menuju Dunia Kerja | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
The family welfare empowerment movement (PKK) as a structure relationship and agent in community empowerment | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Nilai-Tanda sebagai Jantung Makna Relasi Konsumen dan Merek | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Autopoiesis Sistem Sosial dalam Diskursus Penyelesaian Persoalan Bencana Asap di Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Labor migration from Southeast Asia to Taiwan: issues, public responses and future development | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Haze disaster discourses in local Indonesian media: Examining niklas luhmann’s perspective on ecological communication | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Christian Metz: Mengangankan Bahasa dalam Sinema | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Spectacularity of Nationalism. War, Propaganda and Military in Indonesian Cinema during the New Order Era | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Bambang SP: Daya Tarik Maestro Karawitan Jawa Timuran | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Ruang Kota Yogyakarta dalam Perspektif Produksi Ruang Henri Lefebvre | Prof. Faruk | |
Corona dalam Mentalitas Budaya | Prof. Faruk | |
Ngelmu Kahanan dan Manusia Jawa Kesundaan dan Keindonesiaan sebagai Pergulatan Emansipatoris | Prof. Faruk | |
Realisme Magis di Pesantren Darussalam Ciamis | Prof. Faruk | |
Bayang Korona di Remang Ruang Puisi | Prof. Faruk | |
Digitalisasi Ideologi: Mediatisasi Hegemoni Ritual Rambu Solo di Media Sosial | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
Merambah Wacana Diaspora: Pulang Itu Apa? Wacana Naratif Kaum Eksil | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
Wong Ndhuwur, Wong Ngisor: Local Community and Post-disaster Tourism in Kinahrejo | Dr. Wiwik Sushartami | |
Dromologi, Dromokrasi dan Kontrol: Politik Kecepatan Menurut Paul Virilio | Prof. Dr. Heru Nugroho | |
State Domination Instruments Against Betawi Cultural Village (Perkampungan Budaya Betawi) Setu Babakan, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Out of Crisis: Maintaining Hegemony through Rambu Solo Ritual in Toraja | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Hijab Selfie: The Production of Hijabed Women’s Discourse in Instagram Compilation Account | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Beyond School Reach: Character Education in Three Schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Believe in Literature: Character Education for Indonesia's Youth | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
As the world turns: Men left behind due to the international migration in Indonesia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Media representations of gender: The marginalization of female Muslim scholars in Indonesia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Student demoralization in education:The industrialization of university curriculum in 4.0.Era Indonesia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Pluralistic nations and preventing the ethno-religious divergences in Southeast Asia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
COVID-19: Threat and Fear in Indonesia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Nostra aetate and space for religious moderation: Interfaith dialogue in multicultural Indonesia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Pergeseran Representasi Hijabista dalam Media Sosial | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Why are Women Subordinated? The Misrepresentation of the Qur'an in Indonesian Discourse and Practice | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Social Media, Cyberhoaxes and National Security: Threats and Protection in Indonesian Cyberspace | Dr. Barito Mulyo Ratmono | |
2019 | Pesohor-Pesohor Dunia Maya (editor) | Dr. Budiawan |
"Tangan Setan" Anak Muda dan Seni Jalanan Madura | Dr. Wisma Nugraha Chr. M. Hum | |
Rute Kultural Musik Populer di Madura | Dr. Wisma Nugraha Chr. M. Hum | |
Cerita tentang Pangan dan Pakan di Daerah Kodi, Sumba Barat | Dr. Wisma Nugraha Chr. M. Hum | |
Negosiasi Atas Adat dalam Sistem Pelaksanaan Tradisi Nyongkolan Sasak Lombok | Dr. Wisma Nugraha Chr. M. Hum | |
Warung Kopi, Media dan Konstruksi Ruang Publik di Makassar | Dr. Wisma Nugraha Chr. M. Hum | |
Ideological Struggles and Identity Construction within the Politics of French Linguistics in Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Contesting the social spaces: Gender relations of literary communities in Yogyakarta and Surakarta | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
The subjectivity of Nawal Al-Sa'Dawi: Critique on gender relations in religious construction in Adab Am Qillah Adab Work | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Gender and Peacebuilding: Agency and Strategy from the Grass Root | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Minangkabau peace literature in West Sumatra: A critical discourse analysis | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Changes in the Matrilineal System within Minangkabau Children's Carito | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Maskulinitas dan Kesalehan dalam Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban karya Abidah El-Khalieqy | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Estetisasi Jilbab Syar’i Jama’ah Salafi: Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Imam Muslim Kota Kediri | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Negotiating Stereotypes, Re-imagining Differences: Chinese Indonesians and the Burden of Cinematic Representatio n in the Post New Order Indonesia | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Estetika Maskulin dan Eksklusi Perempuan dalam Film Ekokritik 'Seorang Kambing' 2016 | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Selfie Objectification: Representation Of Hijabed Women In Instagram | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Estetisasi Jilbab Syar’i Jama’ah Salafi: Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Imam Muslim Kota Kediri | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Mobility, Capital and Youth Transitions in Indonesia | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Strategi dan Harapan Pemuda dalam Institusi Total | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Asa Energi Terbarukan di Nusa Penida | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Learning by Doing: Young Indonesian Musicians, Capital and Night-Life | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Dinamika Peran Jejaring Pengelolaan Sampah Dalam Komunikasi Literasi Sampah | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Bonding, bridging and linking relationships of the csr target communities of PT Pertamina refinery unit II sungai pakning | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Social media & organizational management of contemporary socio-cultural movement: An instrumental case study of akademi berbagi in Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Changing communication systems and information flows: A case study of increasing regional autonomy and decreasing centralized power in a goat farming in Purworejo regency, Central Java, Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Relasi sosial dalam praktik kebijakan CSR | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Jurnalisme Warga: Liyan, Timpang dan Diskriminatif | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Film Dokumenter sebagai Katalis Perubahan Sosial: Studi Kasus Ambon, Aceh dan Bali | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Making It Personal: The Campaign Battle on Social Media in Indonesia’s 2019 Presidential Election | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Play and display: dua moda pergelaran reyog Ponorogo di Jawa Timur | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Interaksi Sosial Tradisi Bagurau Saluang Dendang Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Ciri-Ciri Musikal Lagu Anak Karya A.T. Mahmud | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Aksiologi Musikal pada Pertunjukan Tari Tradisional Linda dalam Ritual Adat | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Keagamaan Karia di Daerah Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
The Discourse of Sasak's Art: From Tradition to Modernity | Prof. Faruk | |
Hybridization in Mandailing Culture: An Overview of Willem Iskander's Text Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk | Prof. Faruk | |
Humanisme Karya-karya Sastra Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Sebuah Pergulatan Diskursif | Prof. Faruk | |
Tanah Putih | Dr. Ch Budiman | |
Kontruksi ldentitas Melalui Stories Highlight Instagram Kalangan Kelas Menengah | Prof. Dr. Heru Nugroho | |
Domination among tour operators in Karst conservation area of Goa Pindul, Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Susetiawan | |
An Introduction to the Police Procedural: A Subgenre of Detective Genre | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Analisis Pemangku Kepentingan Destinasi Pariwisata Dieng Plateau Jawa Tengah | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Audience culture in the reception of text: Black campaigns on online media during Indonesia's 2014 and 2019 presidential elections | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
From Selfism to Indifferentism: Challenges Facing Indonesian Society and Culture, 2015–2045 | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Guru IPS SMA Negeri 3 Kota Ternate | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Kontruksi Gaya Hidup Syar’i Perkotaan: Analisis Semiotika Sosial pada Iklan Baliho di Yogyakarta | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Beyond School Reach: Character Education in Three Schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
2018 | Dari Desain Kebaya Hingga Masyarakat Adat Raja Ampat: Budaya-budaya di Indonesia dalam Tegangan dan Negosiasi Global Lokal (Co-Editor) | Dr. Budiawan |
When the Teens Narrate the Selves in Indonesian Literature: Gender, Subject and Power | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Preachers, pirates and peace-building: Examining non-violent hegemonic masculinities in Aceh | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Critical Discourse Analysis terhadap Wacana Politik Pluralis Prancis: Mempersoalkan Sentral dan periferi | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Women and Pleasure in Guillaume Apollinaire’s Calligram Collection Poèmes à Lou | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Ruang produktif dan ruang leisure: bagian dari praktik konsumsi ruang Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Gadjah Mada oleh pemustaka digital natives | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Portrayal of Librarians in Indonesian Film: Visual Representation of Social Actors | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Wacana Multimodal menurut Gunther Kress dan Theo van Leeuwen | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Aspirasi Pemuda Kelas Bawah dan Reproduksi Sosial di Jawa Tengah | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
The Constrained Position of Young Musicians in the Yogyakarta Jazz Community | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Young Indonesian Musicans, Upward Career Mobility and Feeling at Home | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Ecological communication in Asia-Pacific: A comparative analysis of social adaptation to maritime disaster in Indonesia and Fiji | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Connecting the Pacific Dots | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Kebijakan Media Baru Di Indonesia:(Harapan Dinamika Dan Capaian Kebijakan Media Baru Di Indonesia) | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Narratives of natural disaster survivors in Indonesian media: the case of tempo magazine | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Analisis Wacana A La Laclau | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Perwujudan dan Penyerapan Pemain dalam Video Game | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Theatre by Request sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran Teater | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Klaim Kebenaran Filmis Dokumenter: Problem dan Alternatif Sudut Pandang | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Negosiasi Kultural dan Musikal Dangdut Koplo pada Orkes Melayu Sonata di Jombang | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Proses Dramaturgi dari Teks Sastra Syair Lampung Karam ke Teks Pertunjukan Teater Under the Volcano | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Perubahan Makna Perpustakaan Nasionalisme Puitis: Sastra, Politik dan Kajian Budaya | Prof. Faruk | |
Jamu Minum Orang Pintar: Soal Bahasa dan Kekuasaan | Prof. Faruk | |
Tindak Tutur dan Etnografi Komunikasi: Dari Austin ke Hymes | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
Wacana Puisi dan Produksi Lokalitas | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
“Yogya Ibukota Buku, Ah... (Sic!)” | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
The Well of Truth: Managing Authenticity in the Pancasila Sakti Monument | Dr. Wiwik Sushartami | |
Users’ Commodification of XYZ Library Reference Services | Prof. Dr. Heru Nugroho | |
Komunikasi Visual: Fantasi Tubuh Wanita Kelas Menengah di Instagram | Prof. Dr. Heru Nugroho | |
Penguatan Peran Warga Masyarakat dalam Perencanaan, Penganggaran, dan Evaluasi Hasil Pembangunan Desa | Prof. Dr. Susetiawan | |
Proses Adopsi Inovasi Lokal Terhadap Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Kawasan Minapolitan Desa Koto Mesjid Provinsi Riau | Prof. Dr. Susetiawan | |
Misrepresentation of science and expertise: Reflecting on half a century of Indonesian anthropology | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Communalism shattered: Thirty years of conflict experiences in the province of Aceh, Indonesia | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Kebohongan di Dunia Maya: memahami teori dan praktik-praktiknya di Indonesia | Dr. Barito Mulyo Ratmono | |
Perspectives on the Development of Border Regions in Indonesia | Dr. Barito Mulyo Ratmono | |
Threats to the Ideology of Pancasila In the Reform Era: Praxis Case of Regional Development Policy | Dr. Barito Mulyo Ratmono | |
2017 | Nasion dan Nasionalisme: Jelajah Ringkas Teoretis | Dr. Budiawan |
Gender Typing pada Produk Teknologi dalam Komunitas Online | Dr. Budiawan | |
How do Indonesians remember ‘Konfrontasi’?: Indonesia- Malaysia Relations and the popular memory of Confrontation after the fall of Suharto | Dr. Budiawan | |
Tentang Gayatri C. Spivak: Dari Konstruksi Hingga “Megacity” – Wawancara dengan A/P Rachmi Diyah Larasati | Dr. Budiawan | |
Kesinambungan dan Proses Transmisi Kelentangan dalam Konteks Ritual Masyarakat Dayak Benuaq di Kalimantan Timur | Dr. Wisma Nugraha Chr. M. Hum | |
From Doing to Undoing Gender (Editor) | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Representing the Other in A Voyage Round the World: Marquis Ludovic de Beauvoir’s History and Narration of 19th-Century Java | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Women and the Repreduction of Literary Narratives in the Constraction of the Nation | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
The language construction of Muslims as the others in French contemporary discourses | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Destabilizing Gender Norm in Contemporary Indonesian Discourse | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Reproduksi Womenhood dalam Novel Bunda: Kisal Cinta 2 Kodi Karya Asma Nadia | Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, DEA., M. Hum. | |
Representation of Library Spaceas Pragmatic Space and Ideological Contestation | Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP. M.Si. | |
Keep The Hope Alive: Young Indonesian Musicians Views of the Future | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Young Indonesian Musicians, Strategic Social Capital, Reflexivity and Timing | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence: a Critical reflection | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Kapasitas Refleksif Pemuda dalam Transisi menuju dunia Kerja | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Menjembatani Perspektif Budaya dan Perspektif Transisi dalam Kajian Kepemudaan Masyarakat | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Young Jazz Musicians and Negotiation of Public Space in Yogyakarta Indonesia | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Metal DIY: Dominasi, Strategi, dan Resistensi | Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo | |
Menyibak Cakrawala Komunikasi | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Interelasi Subsistem Komunikasi Pemerintah dalam Pengembangan Kambing Kaligesing di Purworejo | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Mainstreaming Climate Change Issues: Challenges for Journalism Education System in Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Adaptive Organizational Communicatio n of ASEAN from an Autopoietic Systems Perspective | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Complexity and Adaptive System of Television Broadcasting (The Reflection of Autopoetic Mechanism of Indonesian Television Broadcasting System) | Prof. Dr. Hermin Indah Wahyuni | |
Film, ideologi, dan militer: hegemoni militer dalam sinema Indonesia: analisis semiotik terhadap enam djam di Jogja, Janur Kuning, dan Serangan Fajar | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Mereguk Kenikmatan di Dunia Maya Virtualitas dan Penubuhan dalam Cybersex | Dr. Budi Irawanto | |
Seni, Ilmu Pengetahuan, dan Perubahan | Dr. GR. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, MA. | |
Doksa, kekerasan simbolik dan habitus yang ditumpangi dalam konstruksi kebudayaan di Dewan Kesenian Jakarta | Prof. Faruk | |
Hegemonic Culture and Subaltern: A Compromised Veil in Indonesian Islamic Popular Novel | Prof. Faruk | |
Kata Jokpin Dwi Tak Selalu Gembila, Kata Pengantar untuk buku Konstruksi Tubuh Joko Pinurbo (Dwi Rahariyoso) | Prof. Faruk | |
Kritik Sastra sebagai Sanepo | Prof. Faruk | |
Dari Dee ke Leo Kristi Mekanika Puisi Slamet Riyadi Sabrawi | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
Daya Naratif dalam Novel dan Film Twilight, | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
Sepuluh Tahun Terakhir Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta: Rekaman Ingatan dan Kesan Singkat Saya,” | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
Padmayana | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
Bentang Tubuh, Batu, dan Hasrat: Sejumlah Esai Seni Rupa | Dr. Ch. Budiman | |
Blue Whale Suicide Game: Imitasi Seni Pertunjukan dan Ambivalensi Kurator/Seniman | Dr. Wiwik Sushartami | |
Relasi Bonek dan Jawa Pos dalam Perspektif Strukturasi | Prof. Dr. Heru Nugroho | |
Persebaya dan Bonek dalam Konglomerasi Jawa Pos | Prof. Dr. Heru Nugroho | |
Pembelaan pada Persebaya dan Glorifikasi Bonek dalam Pemberitaan Jawa Pos tentang Konflik Persebaya dan PSSI | Prof. Dr. Heru Nugroho | |
Social Media Based Proposed Model for Museum Marketing Strategy in Yogyakarta | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Preliminary Study on Worldviews | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Banalitas Simbol Keagamaan Dalam Sinetron Religi: Analisis Tayangan Sinetron “Bukan Islam KTP” Di SCTV | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Bahasa Sebagai Model Studi Kebudayaan Di Indonesia-Antropologi Struktural Di Indonesia | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Redefining the Term of Dukun | Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra | |
Kekerasan: Misrepresentasi Perempuan dalam Ruang Publik (Suatu Agenda Penelitian) | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Di Bawah Bayang-Bayang Media: Kodifikasi, Divergensi, Dan Kooptasi Agama Di Era Internet | Prof. Irwan Abdullah | |
Glokalisasi Identitas Melayu: Potensi dan Tantang Budaya Dalam Reproduksi Kemelayuan | Prof. Irwan Abdullah |