News & Articles

KBM Students’ Enthusiasm in Welcoming the New Semester

Since Monday (February 17), the KBM study program has started the new academic year for the even semester. As usual, during the first meeting, lecturers of each course present the syllabus for the upcoming semester. The purpose of this syllabus ...

Public Lecture “Geomatitime Dynamics of the Indonesian Region”

Recently, geopolitical conditions in Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific region have shown increasing tensions. As a country located in the Indo-Pacific region, Indonesia must be prepared to face potential conflicts at any time. This statement was delivered ...


The KBM Master’s Program Conducts Community Service (Part 1)

The Media and Cultural Studies (KBM) Master’s Program has been conducting Community Service from May to October 2024. As a manifestation of the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi), the KBM Master’s Program, in collaboration with BUMKAL Margodadi, ...

Dissemination of Research Findings on Gender in Tamil Movies

The Media and Cultural Studies Program (KBM), Graduate School, UGM, will host a Dissemination of Research Findings event featuring Dr. Premalatha Karupiah, a lecturer from the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, with her research titled "Analyzing the Meaning ...

Research Week 2024 (19-23 February 2024)

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The KBM Department will hold a Research Week on Monday (19/2), Wednesday (21/2), and Wednesday (23/2). The Research Week activities are organized to accommodate prospective students who want to learn about KBM student research. There are ...

