In order to explore the opportunity of opening a Master’s program in Cultural Studies, representatives from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, visited
The documentation of the agenda for the Scientific Oration “Digital Humanism” and Handover of the Management of the Cultural and Media Studies Alumni Association (KATABUMI) for the 2022-2027
Welcome to The Media and Cultural Studies Programme (KBM)
1. Addin Kurnia Putri 2. Agnes Megy Takaendengan 3. Aly Mecca 4. Arif Zuhdi Winarto 5. Eritrina Putri Ekantari 6. Jalaluddin Basyir Sastra Inggris 7. Moch. Zainul Arifin 8. Murniati 9. Nabila Ikrima 10. Putri Maulina 11. Restiawan Permana 12. Sabta Diana 13. Wa Ode Lusiana