The Flow of Thesis Examination Submission, Judicium Registration, and Independent Upload for Masters Students in Kajian Budaya dan Media

Here we convey the flow of thesis examination submission, judicium registration, and independent upload for Masters students of the Kajian Budaya Media, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Thesis Examination Submission 

  1. Students register for the thesis exam through the Study Program admin by filling out the registration form and all complete documents as follows:
  • Thesis draft (final) that has been signed with approval from the supervisor
  • “Kartu Bimbingan” that has been filled out at least 10 times with the supervisor’s signature
  • “Surat Keterangan Lunas UKT” (can be obtained via the following link)
  • TOEFL and TPA certificates
  • Proof of journal submission
  • Proof of Turnitin plagiarism checker with 20% maximum result
  1. When the registration documents are complete, students will receive proof of the registration that has been done
  2. Thesis exam schedule will be determined 10 days from the thesis exam registration date
  3. The thesis examination will be held (maximum) in a month after the registration

Judicium Registration

  1. Here are the following judicial registration documents required:
  • “Berita Acara Ujian Tesis” (please ask the Study Program admin)
  • TPA/PAPS certificate
  • TOEFL/ACEPT/ITP/PBT certificate
  • The thesis approval sheet (which has been signed by the supervisor, examiner, chairperson of the session, and the head of study program and the file is put together in pdf format)
  • The “ringkasan” and summary (English) validation sheet for the thesis that has been signed by the supervisor
  • “Surat Keterangan Lunas UKT” (can be obtained via the following link)
  • Scan of previous diploma file (S1)
  • Study result recap/Study Result Card (KHS) (please ask the Study Program admin)
  • Journal manuscript

Please upload all of these requirements at the following link


Independent Upload

  1. The manual and Independent Upload flow can be seen at the following link
  2. The file naming rules for Independent Upload can be seen at the following link (see the postgraduate program section for S2)

(Complete manuscript files must be accompanied by bookmarks. Examples of bookmarks can be seen in the link above)

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