Book Discussion: Melintas Perbedaan
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
13.00-15.00 WIB
via Zoom (link)
Discussion of Teresa de Lauretis’ thought on women’s cinema based on “Melintas Perbedaan” book. This discussion is held as collaboration work of Media and Cultural Studies Program of UGM and the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Politics Sciences, Halu Oleo University by discussing Teresa de Lauretis’ thoughts on women’s cinema.
Writer: Elok Santi Jesica, M.A.
Education staff of Media and Cultural Studies of UGM
Discusser: Dr. Rivi Handayani, M.Si
Lecturer of Communication Sciences of Halu Oleo University
Moderator: Faturachman Alputra, M.A.
Lecturer of Faculty of Social and Politics Sciences of Halu Oleo University