The UGM Photography Unit (UFO) organized a Virtual Photography Exhibition for UFO Force 27 entitled “Harsa”. “Harsa” comes from Sanskrit that refers to happiness. Throughout this creation of happiness theme, we expect to provide positive energy through photography during the Covid-19 pandemic,” said the head of the Harsa photo exhibition committee, Iqbal Setya Nugraha, on Tuesday (26/1).
According to the man who is well known as Nugie, this exhibition discusses the nice things that have occurred during this pandemic year through various community activities. “Aside from that, the pandemic still exists. Moreover, many friends staying at their home outside Yogyakarta have additionally made this exhibition to be organized virtually and online,” he said.
Nugie added that this exhibition is also a part of the annual exhibition aiming to prepare UFO members in work and exhibition management. In this exhibition, 23 exhibitors from UFO batch 27 exhibit their creation, totaling 60 photos, split into nine single photos and 14 series photos.
The UFO Force 27 exhibition “Harsa” can be watched via http://bit.ly/HarsaUFO27 from January 24 to February 7, 2021. In the @ufougm Instagram account, there is also link access to the Harsa exhibition.
Besides the photo exhibition, the event committee also organized an open online class called “Storytelling Through Photos, ” which was also enlivened by the exhibition curator, a photojournalist of Antara News Agency, Aditya Pradana Putra, on January 24, 2021. After the online class, there was also the next series of “Harsa” photo exhibitions, which was then followed by an online workshop (“Artist Talk”) on January 26, 28, and 30, 2021.
Author: Hakam
Photo: UFO
Translator: Natasa A